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The inner cave part 1

The inner cave

كان الله في عماء

     كان اللّٰهُ في عماء 

            كأنّ اللّٰه في عماء

               كانَُّ اللّٰهَُِ في عماء 

Musical intro

Once upon the pre-time

I was all blind dealing with materials, seen nothing superficial, nothing used to sound nothing was touchable, All I use to see all I use to hear was inner, in my innermost which was an endless core, It was esoteric, can't talk about deepness in that inner cave , there were no dimensions, it's the pre-time the post material touchable creation, no zamakan no dementional matter , I use to touch nothing, my surrounding were undless but I use to feel that the endlessness that I carry inside of my inner soul were endless than endlessness itself, Like if I was sittin' inside a big endless cave that looks like bigger than me , but I carry between my chess an inner cave bigger and more endless than what I was sittin' inside, 

I use to feel greater than greatness itself, but I was sittin' humble, head down all the time, knowing that the greatness of me is having a source greater than mine, I may had no eyes like your eyes at that day, no ears like yours , it was just me in this dark quiet atmosphere, can't see the source of me and mine, but I always kept it present in my inner cave, it keeps itself present.

Its reminders was continuously and consciously streaming like pure water from the source to the deepest point that I can recognise in my inner cave. Can't describe the feeling when I first start to deal with that lake of reminders [like a child dealing with a big deep pool of cold water for the first while]

رغبة و رهبة

That was the right description of the situation

What a blessing! بركة....



Once upon the pre-time, it was a day, only one day, but it was an endless one, it was different than your actual days on earth, couldn't count hours, couldn't recognise seasons or morning and night. That day didn't end and it will never end, it's the original day, the source of each day on earth, your days I mean, you! pure faithful people...

I was that original day, 

I was in it and it was in me

Like I was the innercave

I wasn't this physical, wasn't this clay

I'm still not that physical in my inner fact

This is just a face, 

it's a blessing to have a face 🙏

This clay is just shaped 

to carry me amongst you

But In my innerheart,

I still carry an endless day 

and an innercave

It's the original source of sources

From the original source of the original source

It's me

I'm the original man

Before Adam and Eve

was me

Before that the first Hu-Man 

was made in my image

I'm the original Man


 To be continued ....

Musical outro


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