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"Holy Spirit" 


STEP 1 (TSL Step four) 


You can picture me Younes Bones & Flesh

But you can't picture the inside I'n'I the mind

I'n'I the soul I'n'I the pain I'n'I the flame

My inner holiness the sound of loneliness

Roaring inside of me I'n'I the rage

Picture me smoking quietly walking quickly

Streets are full I see'em empty

 All I see is smoke

I mean the verses who's the hell teaching me

I'n'I the fool I'n'I the prophet I'n'I the flood

I'n'I the enlightening book Saint Agony

Preaching purity and wisdom is my tresor

I'm the spear of chastity welcome to my

 Holy Terror


STEP 2 (TSL step five) 


Look Moorish {k}'now you who we you are

I swear of the birds flying on thy altar

I'm on a stable ground I can see clearly

They're on a spinning ball

 Can't see facts as they are

Now you know the lyrically the light in it

All they can picture is the ink the shape of it

Tell them TAHA! I'n'I the sword of pun

The mystical gun lights descend upon me

Their towns are KHARAB

 My heart is a Holy City

I'n'I the chosen Trinity of a blessed Treenity

I'm a turnado an angry volcano 

A facefighter sent to destroy lucy's trinity


STEP 3 (TSL step six) 


I'n'I who was born after many lives before

I was there within Muhammad and I saw

What you did to John? I was there in John

You couldn't picture it but you painted it so now

Warn the officials in galas funs of 

rihanna 'n' gaga

That my war is holy 'n' their peace is salomi

Thou obscene entertainer!

 Keep away thy stars

These cheap numbers you trade

 In Manhattan's flats

Tall graceful broken you ruined my hall

By filthiness 'n' isms now shall I burn it all? 


 My Ham cousins Sam cousins

 It's not about the clan

It's about raising children 'n' my sisters in IMAN



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