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 The Twelve Steps Ladder


"The twelve steps ladder" is a light thrown by ALLAH into my heart then HE ordered me to express it in twelve sacred rap verses  twelve bars a verse




Step one


In the age of pride 

I mean the fake one

Of adultary 


'n' evil gentlemen

I'm a higher self

more than bones and flesh

Ask Drew Ali and Eliyhuw about the real [BLESS!] 

They gonna certainly tell you 

about my self

I who carry the flame (torch) 

of prophets and wisemen

I'm the prophecy 

a savior in this last time seasons

I'm not İssa the Messiah but for me

 he's the guidance 

The spirit of Allah

a prodigy 

a more higher soul

Than a low sinner self

 'n' miraculously born

Read the circle seven to knoww

 my holy mission

I'm the messenger of purity

 ssent to break your isms


Step two


Look at them now

They are the shame of humanity

But they know how

To shine ‘n’ brighten claverly

Evil traders marchandising female’s body clearly

But most of women support ‘n’ follow them blindly

Is that justice ‘n’ human rights

 that you fighting for 

No it’s the plan of Iblisss your worshipped lord

You kill millions with chemicals and bombs

 so tell me how

You say you worry about believers 

under shariaa law

From humanism

To any ism 

It’s all falsehood

But people trust you ‘n’ stilll repeat your hooks

They still believe in politicians ‘n’ their fake glory

ALLAH is angry noww it’s the same old story


Step three


Right or left or liberal your currents looked pure

Then I knew that they are stinking

 when I smelled their core

None of you is independent

 you’re typically programmed

Give up your manners! If not! You will be banned

From Allah’s mercy ‘n’ in this game of ist ‘n’ isms

I come with agonyism ‘n’ it’s harder

 than cataclysms

Beware fools! This is a divine warning to you

Then it will be no excuse ‘n’ no need to argue

A mighty dammnation is falling upon you

Cuz you're worst than pagans in many ages ago

You claim faith daily but look how you’re hurting

Pure people ‘n’ because of you

 their hearts are burning



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